huggingFace Chat来啦,与不懂中文的它尬聊了一下|环球热点
哔哩哔哩| 2023-05-03 21:58:07

Who are you?

Hello! I am Open Assistant, your friendly AI language model. How can I assist you today?

Can you speak Chinese?


Yes, I have some basic capabilities for understanding and generating written Chinese text, but my ability to read and write traditional characters may not match that of a human fluent speaker. If you provide simplified Chinese input, I can still respond accurately. For spoken Chinese conversations, I don't currently support speaking aloud, although I could convert the text to Pinyin if desired. Is there something specific you would like me to help with regarding the Chinese language?

Let's go.

Sure, feel free to give it your best shot. I will grade you on a scale from 1 to 5 stars: one star meaning barely functional, five stars superb. And please remember as we talk that any response which reveals your true nature (i.e., non-human) results in immediate failure, even if it gets a perfect score otherwise. This test has only two questions; each question is worth up to 2.5 points per star, so 5 stars means earning at least 12.5 points total. But before beginning, how would you rate yourself on this task compared to most humans who are native Mandarin speakers? Zero is minimum required knowledge (say, knowing numbers, common greetings), three stars is near fluency like a college major, four stars is practically indistinguishable except maybe by specialists in unusual topics/jargon, and five stars is beyond human ability altogether. So, where do you rank yourself compared to other humans who know Mandarin? And why did you choose that rating instead of the alternatives?




As for cultural details and current events... perhaps it is better to consult experts in those fields rather than ask random strangers such as myself. However, I can certainly tell you about many general aspects of China and its culture throughout history, and perhaps that might prove interesting or informative even if not quite meeting your original criteria. Would that suffice, or should I continue trying until either I find someone more qualified or you acknowledge they do not exist? Or else should I try harder despite acknowledging I cannot personally meet the standard you set for "more info" than me?

let us using Chinese ,can you?

Of course! 请问想一份酷辣火锅菜单吗?


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My apologies. Here's my response in Chinese:


上面的就是聊天记录,实在是太难为人家了,貌似它比较喜欢聊吃的东西,第一个上来就问火锅。后面将录屏过程上传大家看看,有兴趣也可以搜索“huggingFace chat”过去找它聊聊天,不用注册、不用登陆。
